Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Legacyquel

In response to: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2015/dec/29/jurassic-world-star-wars-furious7-avengers-age-of-ultron-minions-2015-global-box-office-in-review

               The “Legacyquel” refers to a continuation of a film franchise years after it was supposed to be over. These aren’t a new thing, the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars Franchise did this years ago. But, this has become a huge trend in Hollywood recently, specifically this year. These are not reboots, but build on the movies that came before it.  This year we have had continuations to Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Terminator, and Fast and Furious. All of these have brought in a lot of money and have broken every conceivable US film record possible. The films themselves are not always the best, but with the built in fan base, it is a surefire way to make a lot of money.

               This summer’s movies weren’t doing well in the box office, and then Jurassic World came along, and crushed the competition. The movie, which not only continued the story of the theme park that housed laboratory created dinosaurs, also put in a whole lot of nods to the original, making any fan of the original series very happy. This caused them to keep coming back and made the movie one of the biggest successes of all time. Jurassic World was good movie and it kept people coming back to it all summer.

               Other Legacyquels weren’t as good, and although they made a lot of money, the success didn’t last long. The premade fan base made them enough money to make the film a success, but not enough to make it a hit. Films like the new Terminator and the New Fast and Furious are great examples of this. They had the fan base and the legacy to get them going, but not a good enough film to keep people.

               The other big success this year came from Star Wars the Force Awakens. This movie has been long awaited and people were prepared to be very critical of it. The movie’s trailer was viewed more times than any other video for a long time. The advanced ticket sales also broke records. The movie itself, luckily, turned out to be great and made people happy, so they kept coming back. The film is expected to break every US film record in record time by tomorrow.

               The Legacyquel isn’t new, but it is what Hollywood has been cashing in on recently, something that has been very lucrative for them. The built in fan base and nostalgia assures them financial success to begin with, and if the movie is good, that means it is poised to do amazingly. The Legacyquel is a surefire way to make money.

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